Godfrey Selbar needs $80 for his rice, beans and yam business


Godfrey Selbar needs $80 for his rice, beans and yam business


Godfrey Selbar 

I became a humanist because I realised the folly and futility of living a life ruled by fairytales and utter nonsense. I began to use my rational thinking abilities and realised there is no God or Gods coming to the rescue and that I have to take responsibility for my life. In sober reflection I saw that man is inherently good and could save himself and the world. Also I follow the golden rule which says do unto others as you'd like to be done unto you. 

Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. 


Supplying aid to small scale traders mostly teenage mothers and widows and feeding of poor students in my tutorial classes. 

Rice, Beans, Yam, potatoes, Vegetables

The project will be of great benefit to my community as it will help in empowering teenage mothers who are school drop outs and indigent. Also empowered are widows whose husbands and sons have been killed by incessant religious crisis in a state plagued by intolerance and violent crimes. 

Also I run lessons for poor children and the food will be used to feed them as I believe that in humanist education children learn best when their needs are met. 

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