Grants for Individual Humanists

Humanist Mutual Aid Network only provides funding to individuals in our partner organizations.


1. We fund individual humanists who need: 1) education funding, 2) money for entrepreneurial projects that deliver sustainability, 3) money for health issues, 4) money for survival, i.e., food and shelter.

2. Proposals must be complete

3. We do not fund projects that raise animals (livestock), pesticides, hair cutting, baskets, soap-making, beauty salons, fashion design.

4. Proposals are due between the 5th-8th of each month. Decisions are made by the 15th - Funds are sent soon after that.

5. Individuals who have misused HuMAN funds are ineligible.

6. DO NOT send tables or graphs.

17. Send application in an email, or a Word Doc. DO NOT send pdf. Email to

8. Use US dollars in your budget. Do not send proposals that use naira, rupees, etc.

9. Send proposals with correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization

10. Send excellent photos - in focus, with correct lighting, with recipients smiling. Applications with the best photos have a huge advantage.

11. Individuals can only apply once a year. We need original photos for every proposal.

12. Reply to all our questions within 3 days.

13. Projects must be completed within 25 days after receiving funds and reports are due in 30 days.

Application FOrm

Your Name



When and why did you become humanist and what does humanism mean to you?


Why do you need money?

Budget (list all specific items needed and their cost, we do not provide funds for “savings” “miscellaneous." If the cost is inflated we do not provide funding )

Explain the Benefits to you

Explain how to send you money, using the methods below :

  • Crypto Wallet

  • Paypal

  • Donate button on your website

  • Mobile Money Provider (Airtel, MTN, etc)

  • Bank, Bank Branch name (if there is one) plus Swift Code number (if there is one) or IBAN number + Bank Account Number + your home address, email, and phone number

Send Three Photos - IMPORTANT:

  • 1st photo of just your face

  • 2nd photo of you with sign saying: THANK YOU HuMAN

  • 3rd photo of you with sign says THANK YOU BOB & CINDY -



    DO NOT put both Thank You signs in one photo

  • PHOTOS must be in focus, with adequate lighting, and people smiling. Projects with very good photos have a better chance of getting funded. Good photos usually have many people in them.

  • The photos should not depict women wearing veils, or people with crosses, or wearing religious t-shirts, or any priests or imans, etc. We only fund non-religious people and the photos must indicate this.